Logistics Services

After 7 years of continuous development, Chenxin International Logistics has set up companies and warehouses in Beijing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Zhengzhou and other parts of China; we can provide customers with international air freight, sea freight, international logistics, international special line and other services of the enterprise.At present, the company can ship to more than 200 large and small countries around the world. Long-term cooperation with the world’s logistics (DHL, UPS) to provide customers with safe, convenient and reliable international freight forwarding services, Chenxin International has many years of cross-border logistics experience, not only to provide rich, high-quality logistics channels, but also to provide personalized logistics services to meet the needs of customers.

Adhering to the purpose of the company’s founding, all the staff of Chenxin is dedicated to providing quality services to every partner. What we pursue is not only business efficiency, but also the standardization of operational processes and the win-win situation in every aspect of customer service humanization.



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