How to selecting steel?

We shall take the following two factors into considerationwhen selecting steel, the one is the machinability of the steellthe other is the serwice character During the processing, wehope the steel has a low strength and high elongation, whichmake it easy to cut, stamp or form. But in the service of steelwe hope it has high strength, good impact performance tosuffer extreme service condition. For these two reasons, weshould select suitable steel from its mechanical properties.
Mainly, Mechanical Properties Include

Yield Strength
The yield strength or yield point of a material is defined inengineering and materials science as the stress at which amaterial begins to deform plastically Prior to the yield pointthe material will deform elastically and will returm to its originalshape when the applied stress is removed. Once the yield pointis passed some fraction of the deformation will be permamentand mon-reversble.

Tensile Strength
Tensile strength is indicated by the maximum stress before thebreak of a specimen. n general, it indicates when necking willaccur.

Elongation, or percent elongation at break, is defined as thechange in gauge length after break per unit of the originagauge length. A high elongation means the material carstand great permanent deformation before break, or highdeformability.
The parameter yield strength, tensile strength, elongation aremmeasured by tensile test.

If you have any question or need of steel in China, contact me!

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